3.0 Village of









Rock Hunting







Banjos, etc.


Village of Baoma, Sierra Leone































































   (click to enlarge)

The village of Baoma has grown significantly since the 1990s as people were displaced from their homes in the interior provinces during the civil war.  Baoma now spans approximately 200 acres inland from the seacoast village of Goderich.  The population of approximately 600 is divided into two geographic regions governed by two headmen (north village; Eskay Ebomor and south village; James Ceci) under the overall authority of  Chief Cooka and Queen Matu.


View looking south                       Gulley that divides North Village from South Village

The name, Baoma, was taken from the old village of Baoma, which is located in the Bo District in southweast Sierra Leone.  The predominant religion is Islam, with a smaller population of Christians.  The two religions are respectful of each other, and there appear to be no significant inter-religion conflicts in Baoma.

Access to Baoma is from the back streets east of the seacoast town of Goderich through the community of Fonema.  Streets in Baoma are dirt and generally suitable only for foot traffic and high-clearance, 4-wheel drive vehicles

Sierra Leone
has a dry season that lasts from November until April, and a wet season that lasts from May until October.  There is virtually no rainfall during the dry season.


An abandoned diorite quarry, formerly operated by an Italian firm, is located near the southwest corner of Baoma.  Some villagers now earn independent income by breaking up diorite boulders with sledges to make gravel that is used for construction.


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